💡vision & values

"Why did you guys decide to create this project?"

Excellent question and one that deserves some explanation as the context of the why here is very important.

From our observations, we have noticed that the NFT ecosystem, and in particular Solana, is moving at such a pace that it's difficult to either keep track of everything that's happening or feel included in the latest trend.

Combined to this, the NFT landscape is slowly changing, and with it comes a lot of new concepts - AMMs (Automated Market Makers), 0% royalties collection on art.

These new concepts can be exciting for some, but to others it represents another layer of complexity on top of something that may or may not have been so easy to understand to start with. Some people may have experienced a rug through an NFT project, some may have experienced different degrees of impermanent loss or even liquidity tied up in a protocol that they never saw back again.

The vision of this cutesy-gory NFT collection is focused on the following key elements:

  • Create stickiness with the current NFT users in the ecosystem

    We believe strongly in the values this space has and what it can bring to the table. It may take more than one attempt though to get through to its beauty and we want to incentivize people to stick around with their potentially "rugs" sitting in their wallets (which can be redeemed for brains!) and access to top notch art at an affordable cost. In other words we aim to create value from the worthless rugged NFTs you are holding in your wallet.

  • Educate users of the ecosystem

    This is important for us and it should be important to any project owner - make sure people know what they get into, and if they don't, make sure the appropriate resources are available to them to do some homework on your project. With this zombiesNFT project, we will take many examples and use our NFTs and experience to showcase how certain things work - for example how to create a liquidity pool with an AMM such as hadeswap, etc.

  • Transparency

    We don't have the pretension to know it all and to be the best at what we do - but we're trying damn hard. And that's something we're transparent about. We're trying something new, if it works, cool, if it doesn't, also cool because we'll be using the lessons learned to improve ourselves. This is where you, as a user, play an important role - your feedback is vital to us. Our transparency also stretches to how we will leverage the funds - a portion (50%) will be used to pay the small team and the backers that have put money forward to make this come to life, the other 50% will be used as treasury to build up our runway, hire, scale, innovate with the community. The brains are a free mint, with 0% royalties, and the zombies will have a SOL mint price but will also have 0% royalties.

We hope that this resonates with you as we firmly believe in an efficient ecosystem where everyone can become anything, it's up to those who have been around for longer to try and share some valuable pieces of insight on how things could be done, how things could work, to have a strongly built community, team and vision.

Thank you for making it here and.. if you're down with our values then... let's have fun!

Last updated